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Wearing the future

Geschreven door  op in Opinie, The Mobile Life.

© Apple © Apple

If you would ask what 2014’s biggest anticipated reveal would be, of course it’s the latest product from Cupertino, aptly named the Apple Watch.

My very first watch was a highly customisable LEGO watch. My second watch was a digital underwater stopwatch, being the avid diver I aspired to be. Since ten years, the only watch I’ve worn was a Cogito Connected Smart Watch. It missed both the comfort and functionality of deserving a place on my wrist. I’ve held several other watches, but either they missed several key factors like battery life or system integration.

© Apple © Apple

As Stephen Colbert joked on his show last night, calculator watches are finally cool to wear. This hit a string, because as a child, one of my deepest desires was a watch that would double as a TV remote! Alas, my parents squashed that dreams (and perhaps saved me from eternal bullying).

Yesterday’s event got me excited, not just because of Apple created something, cool but because there is a completely new product category in a solid ecosystem with full system integration, and one big word. Potential.

There where more than one references yesterday to the first iPhone in the keynote, which was no accident. If we go back to 2007, there where no third party apps, just a phone with several cool features. Still it was a success. A year later the App Store launched, and today there are over 1.3 million apps in the App Store.

When the iPad was announced, it was another exciting times, and I bet that the moment the first apps where published in the store, a LOT of people downloaded them, even before they had one in hand. The excitement was huge, and iPad apps pushed the envelop on how people spent time with it.

The same will elevate the Apple Watch from a pretty wrist-thing, to a life-changing item. It won’t take long before watch will be added to the ‘keys, wallet, phone’-motto when heading out. I know it will happen with me.

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