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Tivoli Gardens

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Tivoli is the second oldest amusement park in the world. Located in Copenhagen, it has not only been one of the cultural centers of the great city, it’s also one of the big inspirations of Walt Disney creating his own series of parks.

The park that opened in 1843 has over 4 million visitors each year. Apart from the attractions, the park also has lush gardens and a concert hall. One of the things that set apart Tivoli from current amusement parks is that entrance to the park (99 DKK, 13 euro) only gives you access. Attractions need separate tickets, a practice that other parks have abolished since the early eighties. For 209 DKK (28 euro) you can get a ticket valid for all rides.

The real magic of Tivoli happens when the sun is setting. Glorious sunsets are replaced by the deep blue sky, and lights go on all over the garden. Sit back and enjoy the ride with this photo editorial of the most popular amusement park in Scandinavia.
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