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Love Is A Song .. in the zoo

Geschreven door  op in The Mobile Life.

In fact, this image, taken from the roof of the station you can see the rails on mere meters from the animal reserves.  In fact, this image, taken from the roof of the station you can see the rails on mere meters from the animal reserves.

Though I consider valentine to be a Hallmark holiday, love in spring is a universal thing in nature. That’s why we went looking for love in one of Belgium’s biggest tourist attractions, Antwerp Zoo. The biggest surprise of this zoo is that it is located in the middle of Antwerp’s city center and is a direct neighbour of the fourth most beautiful trainstation in the world: ‘Antwerpen-Centraal’.

Love, of course, is a wide concept. We have the love between the animals and their handlers, the love between animals and love of course, love between visitors. Let’s have a look!

The sealions, who perform tree shows a day to get a tasty treat, have a great bond with their handlers. The sealions, who perform tree shows a day to get a tasty treat, have a great bond with their handlers.

One of the most heartwarming things is animal-families living together.

Hippo Imani is petting her mother Hermien with her tongue in a show of affection. Hippo Imani is petting her mother Hermien with her tongue in a show of affection.

Spectacled bear-mother Zamora and her cub Oberon play while looking for their food. Spectacled bear-mother Zamora and her cub Oberon play while looking for their food.

The Javan Langur are a tight group and family.  The Javan Langur are a tight group and family.

Not everything is love. These two coypu thug it out for a bit of food. Not everything is love. These two coypu thug it out for a bit of food.

But let us not forget, the zoo remains a romantic destination!

Happy Valentine, however you choose to spend it!

Also a big thanks to the Zoo of Antwerp for giving us access to their excellent zoo!

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