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Survival Gear

Geschreven door  op in Reizen, The Mobile Life.

Just got the heads-up that I’ll be on the road for the next three days. A combination of business and pleasure. So right now I’m speeding off to Leuven, tomorrow I’m in Ghent, and I will be finishing my weekend in Antwerp. In the meanwhile I won’t be coming home, so it came to my conclusion that if I don’t want to miss out on the events, and still want to finish my work, I will have to carry a lot.

But not as much as you’d think. In fact. this weekend, I’m traveling on the basics, and cut down everything that could tip the scale, literally. I screwed down the grip of my camera body, chose just one light prime lens. Shortened the cable from my MacBook Pro to its bare minimum, and carry just one cable of each to connect.

It’s going to be an interesting couple of days!

Ook interessant

State of Mobib 2017



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