Feiten. Anders bekeken.

Curated music & random noise

Geschreven door  op in Opinie, The Mobile Life.

As I said before, I work where I can place my notebook. If there is no WiFi, I have my phone to tether. If there is no power, I have a great battery.

But still, one of my favorite places to work from is KingKongCoffee in Hasselt. Part of the regular clientele I can work there without getting interrupted, have great tasting beverages, fast WiFi, and a great barista who will listen and give feedback if I need it.

But one of the best things there, is the music. Always a different style, but always somehow perfect for it’s homemade and eclectic interior. From Johnny Cash on rainy sunday afternoons, to vintage Rolling Stones, or the latest from the YeahYeahYeah’s. But not all mainstream. Also promoting local bands, or french classics.

Somehow this man is able to tap in my senses, and make me listen to music that is always fitting for the mood and occasion. (And taking requests).

It is the added human factor that things like Spotify, Pandora or iTunes mixes miss. I don’t need a full list of all thousands of songs I own, I want something that is right for the mood. And until Siri is powerful enough that it can sense environment and personal mood, I will gladly let my music choice reside in the hands of this man.

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