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Flying to the Bad Republic

Geschreven door  op in The Mobile Life.

For the past three years, we’ve been flying solo at The Mobile Life. But running a fulltime photography business, combined with honest journalism isn’t an easy combination. So this is why we have decided to join forces with the great people at Bad Republic. This collective of independent journalist have not only become great colleagues over the years, but also friends. So it’s only fitting that our entire archive has been merged with all of their great content as well.

There isn’t a lot that will change. The Mobile Life will be its own category under the Bad Republic banner, still written by the same people, only better. Content will still primarily be in English, with the occasional Dutch seeping in. Bad Republic for now is mostly a Flemish medium, but they too will occasionally host English content, as there isn’t an official language in our Bad Republic.

Stay tuned .. there is a lot more coming!

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