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LowePro Pro-Runner 450W Backpack

Geschreven door  op in Review, The Mobile Life.

On location in Kronoburg Castle, Sweden. Photo by Gav Grant. On location in Kronoburg Castle, Sweden. Photo by Gav Grant.

I admit it. I’m a bag junkie. I love camera bags.

For every occasion there is a body and a lens to create your shot. And a backpack to carry it with you. Before each assignment I think about what I need to bring, and how to stash it. For those moment of long travel, where you just don’t know what you’ll encounter, I know which one to use. My 450W.

This big backpack is not only waterproof, it’s suitable for two camera bodies, around 4 pro lenses, a flash, a 15″ notebook, and a big pack for papers, books, an iPad, and still enough space to throw in a spare T-shirt and underwear.

Even while it’s fully stocked, it’s still a pleasure to wear. Of course
the weight can be quite heavy, but I never have the feeling it will
just tear open half-way and drop all my gear on a hard concrete floor or
a swampy lake.

During assignments themselves it’s easy to keep with you, open up, change lens, and slide it back under the crash barriers, or next to the best man delivering his wedding speech. It’s there when I need it.

The backpack in action during a photoshoot in Sweden. Photo by Amy Randall. The backpack in action during a photoshoot in Sweden. Photo by Amy Randall.

I’ve always liked LowePro. No matter how late an assignment ends, I am happy with the way I can zip up everything, and go home. If it’s snowing, raining or freezing it will stand all abuse, and when I get home, I can just drop the drowned bag  in the hallway, and go to bed, knowing everything is safe and dried up the next morning.

Retail price: $274.99

Worth it? If you have quite a bit of gear, and want everything save and in one place? YES!

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