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4G in Belgium

Geschreven door  op in Nieuws, Opinie, The Mobile Life.

Our crew here at TML is located in Belgium. As seasoned technofreaks, most of us use iPhones since the beginning. Our phones are 4G enabled, and two out of three major operators have a great 4G enabled network. But not for us.

Because of a quarrel between phone operators Proximus and Base and iPhone creator Apple, we have yet to see the 4G button on our phones. Be it contracts, fees, LTE-tests or another reason, we are missing out.

Right after the 4G launch of Base, several people took action. With an online petition, they want to convince Apple that 4G is important to us, and that they should work with the providers to enable 4G for all iPhone users.

If you want to show support ot the cause, or want to know more, you can hop over to the link below.

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