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Little Big Disk 2

Geschreven door  op in Review, The Mobile Life.

A better name for this would be the Little Black Speeddevil. When we reviewed LaCie’s Little Big Disk we lauded the speed, design and quality. We are glad to announce that the upcoming Little Big Disk 2 not only improves on these, it also fixes some annoyances from the first generation.

For those not knowing the specialty of the Little Big Disk, it’s easy: Speed! The speedy 2 SSD set-up moves files at 635 MB per second. But with the introduction of Thunderbolt 2, LaCie already has the answer in production.

We have been granted acces to a pre-production sample, and our reactions can only be updated with: “Wow 2”.
First of all: the Little Big Disk 2 speeds things up at 1375MB/s! When trying a speedtest we had to select the 5 GB option, because the test couldn’t measure the 1 GB transfer file .. because the file was transferred before the test could be completed. When testing with the latest gen 15” Macbook Pro Retina we hit 1118,7 MB/s, with the internal drive ‘only’ hitting 674,5 MB/s.

This is every video and photo professional’s wet dream!

The aluminium casing has been painted black, but the biggest change has been on the inside. Because they use a brand new type of smaller SSD’s there suddenly was a lot more space on the inside. That way LaCie had the opportunity to fix the biggest problem with the first generation. The loud fan has been fixed with a whisper-quit larger, thermoregulated fan. The only other ‘issue’ is that you still need a power-supply to power the disk drive. However, Thunderbolt does not provide enough juice to power two devices.

The Little Big Disk 2 will be available in the first quarter of 2014 with a price not yet set in stone. (Rumoured price: €1149).

Thanks to MacMans.be for letting us use a latest-gen MacBook Pro!

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