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Adobe introduces an ever more mobile future

Geschreven door  op in Nieuws, The Mobile Life.

The Adobe apps really can be seen as any creative’s bread and butter. In fact, I don’t think I know more than two creatives who don’t use these apps. With the Creative Cloud launch a few years ago, their number have only been rising. Today, at Adobe MAX they announced the future of their apps. And surprise surprise: it’s Mobile!

With Creative Sync, The Creative Cloud apps are becoming so connected that even the Marvel films are jealous. All the assets created with Adobe mobile apps can be saved to Creative Cloud Libraries. Libraries can be accessed across desktop and mobile apps and shared with anyone who has a Creative Cloud membership.

Adobe Portfolio is the name of a brand new service, allowing every Creative Cloud subscriber to easily create a free portfolio website based on the Behance platform.

Teased at the last Apple Keynote is the brand new Photoshop Fix. The simple, intuitive touch interface brings Photoshop desktop features like the Healing Brush and Liquify to iOS, with Android support coming soon. The functionalities of Adobe Brush, Adobe Shape, Adobe Color and Adobe Hue now all can be found in Adobe Capture CC. Lightroom Mobile also gains the impressive dehazing filter.

Photoshop Fix on iPad

Updates also come to the Desktop. For Design, Adobe brings new and updated Touch workspaces to InDesign CC and Illustrator CC. New Illustrator CC features include the Shaper tool, Live Shapes and enhanced Smart Guides. InDesign CC delivers new online publishing capabilities and Adobe Fuse CC (Preview) 3D character software is added to existing Creative Cloud membership plans. These 3D models can be synced across Creative Cloud Libraries for use in Photoshop CC. Also updated Artboards capabilities should make it easier for designers to visualise their designs. Adobe also added the first version of Design Space, a streamlined design-centric experience.

Brand new is the demoed Project Comet. According to Adobe “the only end-to-end UX design solution that includes a new CC desktop app with a companion mobile app”. Adobe expects to preview the full application beginning 2016.

Video wise, Adobe ushers in a new era of UltraHD via comprehensive native format support for editing beautiful 4K-to- 8k footage; and advances color, with support for High Dynamic Range (HDR) workflows in Premiere Pro CC and improved color fidelity and adjustments in After Effects CC. Remix, a powerful new audio feature is added to Audition CC. New Touch capabilities are introduced, with Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC and Character Animator optimized for Surface Pro, Windows tablets or Apple track pad devices.

Adobe Stock users can also rejoice with the addition of stock video.

Adobe Stock + Video2

For more information, check out www.adobe.com

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